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Saturday 25 February 2012


How do I pray?

 "The word 'Rosary' means 'Crown of Roses,' that is to say that every time someone says the Rosary devoutly, they place a crown of one hundred fifty-three red roses and sixteen white roses upon the heads of Jesus and Mary. Being heavenly roses they will never fade or lose their exquisite beauty." 
                                                                                   St. Louis De Montfort, The Secret of the Rosary

help to others ............

I believe the power of fasting as it relates to prayer is the spiritual atomic bomb that our Lord has given us to destroy the strongholds of evil and usher in a great revival and spiritual harvest around the world.
Increasingly I have been gripped with a growing sense of urgency to call upon God to send revival to our beloved country. In the spring and summer of 1994, I had a growing conviction that God wanted me to fast and pray for forty days for revival in America and for the fulfillment of the Great Commission in obedience to our Lord's command.
At first I questioned, "Is this truly God's call for me?" Forty days was a long time to go without solid food. But with each passing day, His call grew stronger and more clear. Finally, I was convinced. God was calling me to fast, and He would not make such a call without a specific reason or purpose. With this conviction, I entered my fast with excitement and expectancy mounting in my heart, praying, "Lord, what do you want me to do?"
I believe such a long fast was a sovereign call of God because of the magnitude of the sins of America and of the Church. The Lord impressed that upon my heart, as well as the urgent need to help accelerate the fulfillment of the Great Commission in this generation.
As I began my fast, I was not sure I could continue for forty days. But my confidence was in the Lord to help me. Each day His presence encouraged me to continue. The longer I fasted, the more I sensed the presence of the Lord. The Holy Spirit refreshed my soul and spirit, and I experienced the joy of the Lord as seldom before. Biblical truths leaped at me from the pages of God's Word. My faith soared as I humbled myself and cried out to God and rejoiced in His presence.
This proved to be the most important forty days of my life. As I waited upon the Lord, the Holy Spirit gave me the assurance that America and much of the world will, before the end of the year 2000, experience a great spiritual awakening. This divine visit from heaven will kindle the greatest spiritual harvest in the history of the Church. But before God comes in revival power, the Holy Spirit will call millions of God's people to repent, fast, and pray in the spirit of 2 Chronicles 7:14:
If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
The scope of this revival depends on how believers in America and the rest of the world respond to this call. I have spent fifty years studying God's Word and listening to His voice, and His message could not have been more clear.
This handy reference guide, Seven Basic Steps to Successful Fasting and Prayer, will help make your time with the Lord more spiritually rewarding. I encourage you to keep it with you during your fast and refer to it often because it gives easy-to-follow suggestions on how to begin your fast, what to do while you fast, and how to end your fast properly.
During my forty-day fast, God impressed me to pray that two million Christians in North America will fast for forty days by the end of the year 2000, and pray for national and worldwide revival and for the fulfillment of the Great Commission. I urge you to prayerfully consider this challenge.
Before you fast, I encourage you to read my book, The Coming Revival: America's Call to Fast, Pray, and "Seek God's Face." It will help equip you for the coming spiritual awakening.

Tuesday 21 February 2012

Ash Wednesday is a day of fasting.

The Cross, in Ashes
Lent begins with the imposition of ashes, an ancient symbol of penance common in the Old Testament and pagan antiquity. Jesus alludes to it when he condemns the cities of Bethsaida and Chorazin for not doing penance. “If the miracles performed in you had taken place in Trye and Sidon, they would have repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes”. (Matthew 11:21)
Ash Wednesday is a day of fasting.

Ash Wednesday Prayers

Jesus, you place on my forehead
the sign of my sister Death:
“Remember you are dust,
and to dust you shall return.”

How not hear her wise advice?
One day my life on earth will end;
the limits on my years are set,
though I know not the day or hour.
Shall I be ready to go to meet you?
Let this holy season be a time of grace
for me and all this world.

“Teach us to number our days aright,
that we may gain wisdom of heart.”
O Jesus, you place on my forehead
the sign of your saving Cross:
“Turn from sin and be faithful
to the gospel.”

How can I turn from sin
unless I turn to you?

You speak, you raise your hand,
you touch my mind and call my name,
“Turn to the Lord your God again.”

These days of your favor
leave a blessing as you pass
on me and all your people.
Turn to us, Lord God,
and we shall turn to

Monday 20 February 2012

what is ash Wednesday

Helping Children Understand and Celebrate Lent

What's with the ashes
Many of us have heard this question when we arrive at school, work, or home with the blackened cross on our forehead. The observance of Ash Wednesday is the most popular weekday celebration in the Catholic Church’s liturgical year. During the celebration, children and adults process to the altar to receive ashes on their forehead in the shape of a cross. Ash Wednesday is also a day when people discover how many Catholics there are in their community. This can nurture in children a greater sense of religious community. And because receiving the ashes is a sign of humility and contrition, children will also see how many people recognize the need for repentance.

The Ash Wednesday Ritual
Ash Wednesday is always the first Wednesday of the Lenten season and marks the beginning of Lent. The distribution of blessed ashes is typically done before the altar and, depending on the custom of the parish, people will hear the distributor say, “Turn away from sin and be faithful to the Gospel” or “Remember, man, you are dust and to dust you will return.” The atmosphere in the Church is quiet and the observance solemn. People reflect on how quickly human life can pass. All are reminded of the need for repentance.
Ash Wednesday Readings
The readings for Ash Wednesday offer a number of important images that help children understand the meaning of this experience. The first reading calls us to repentance but also emphasizes that God is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and rich in kindness (Joel 2:13). In the second reading, Paul reminds us that the world sees the presence of Christ in the way we act. So, be reconciled to God today! (2 Corinthians 5:20—6:1). We are called to be the love and change we wish to see in the world. In the third reading, Jesus reminds us that the sacrifices and prayers called for in Lent are between God and us. It is insincere for us to show off contrite actions to win the praise of others—let others only see how our sacrifices and prayers help us love them.
Children and Preparing for Lent
Ash Wednesday begins a wonderful season of reflection and preparation. Receiving the ashes as a member of the church community helps children recognize that they are an important part of the Catholic community and are united with the Church in its Lenten preparation.

Sunday 19 February 2012

Ash wednesday


                                                       நீ மண்ணாக இருகின்றாய் 
                                  மண்ணுகே திரும்புவாய் மறவாதே ! மறவாதே ! !

அன்பெனும் உலகிற்கு தன் இரத்தத்தை  கடைசி துளியையூம் அள்ளித்த  இயேசுவே ............................